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Why new test vehicles are camouflaged ?

Tue, 12/Mar/2024 - 01:16 pm By Anand

We have all seen photos of anticipated upcoming models wrapped in black padding and crazy checkerboard and swirl patterns, and might have wondered if all that is really necessary.We will discuss the reason behind wrapping the new cars in this article.

While much of a new car or truck’s development happens behind closed doors, there’s no substitute for real-world testing on both private tracks and public roads, at which point a test vehicle – called a “mule” in automotive language.After manufacturing every vehicle has to be tested on road to see how it behaves.



Tue, 12/Mar/2024 - 01:14 pm By Anand

Grinding is an abrasive machining process that uses a grinding wheel as the cutting tool. A grinding wheel is a precision tool with thousands of cutting points on its surface - abrasive grains that are held in place by a bond matrix (hence these are known as bonded abrasives) and separated by pores. When the wheel is in use, the abrasive grains cut into the material that is being ground, removing the unwanted surface material in small chips.

Worts Palatles Sperm Energy: Pudure OP Sperm Turbines?

Vortex Bladeless Wind Energy: Future of wind turbines?

Sat, 09/Mar/2024 - 03:52 pm By Anand

Generating green energy is one of the major problems of this age. All over the world, inventors have strived to harness solar and wind energy but the efficiency leaves much to be desired. The Vortex Bladeless windmill is a revolutionary technology that promises to change the discourse surrounding renewable energy. The windmill is designed like a micro wind turbine that looks just like any other pole stuck in the ground. Free from the giant blades that are typical of conventional windmills, this windmill operates using the vortex shedding effect.

Почему на железнодорожных путях используются двутавровые балки?

Why I-section beams are used for railway tracks ?

Sat, 09/Mar/2024 - 03:51 pm By Anand

Generally rail tracks are made in I Section.We might wonder many times that why any other shape is not used.We might also wonder, why solid section is not used??We will discuss the reason behind selection of I beam for railway tracks in this article.


The usual, Flat Footed rails used for Broad Gauge lines is shown below with its components below.

This is typical shape of the cross-section of a track laid with Flat-footed Rails.
The Bull headed rails resemble the 'I' shape more correctly.

Поймите разницу между PSLV и GSLV.

Understand the difference between PSLV and GSLV.

Sat, 09/Mar/2024 - 03:50 pm By Anand

You might have heard about PSLV and GSLV rocket launch systems developed by the Indian Space Research Organization, or ISRO, to launch satellites into orbit.In this article we will understand the difference between PSLV and GSLV.

This is the basic difference between GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) and PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle).