201 Lecture 16: Parsing Table for LR(0) Parser | How to Parse a given String with LR(0) Parser
202 Lecture 12: Reasons of why any given Grammar is not LL(1) | Solved Questions | GATE PYQ on LL(1)
203 Lecture 2: Example of Phases | Lexical Analysis | GATE PYQs
204 Lecture 15: Introduction to LR Parser | How to construct LR(0) Item Set for a given grammar
205 Lecture 19: How to Construct LR (1) Item Set for LALR (1) and CLR (1) Parser
206 Lecture 4: Reasons of Ambiguous Grammar | Conversion from Ambiguous to Non-Ambiguous Grammar
207 Lecture 21: SR and RR Conflicts in CLR (1) & LALR (1) Parser | Check given Grammar is LR(1) or Not
208 Lecture 3: Types and Passes of Compiler | Syntax Analysis | Ambiguous Grammar
209 Lecture 26: Classification of SDT | S-Attributed and L-Attributed SDT | GATE PYQ of Types of SDT
210 Lecture 11: Solved Examples on First and Follow | How to Check given grammar is LL(1)
211 Lecture 17: Parsing Table of SLR(1) Parser | SR and RR Conflicts in Bottom up Parser
212 Lecture 1: Introduction to Compiler | Language Processing System | Phases of Compiler
213 Lecture 20: Parsing Table of CLR (1) Parser | Conversion of CLR (1) Parsing Table into LALR (1)
214 Lecture 25: SDT of Binary to Decimal Conversion and Desk Calculator | GATE PYQ
215 Lecture 10: LL(1) Parser | Parsing Table and How to Parse an Input String using LL(1)
216 Lecture 18: Examples to Check whether given Grammar is LR(0) and SLR(1) or Not
217 Lecture 7: Introduction and Classification of Parser | Limitation of Top Down and Bottom Up Parser
218 Lecture 22: GATE PYQ's of Parser | Advantages of Ambiguous Grammar | YACC & its Functioning
219 Lecture 23: Introduction to Syntax Directed Translation (SDT)
220 Lecture 13: Operator Grammar | Operator Precedence Parser | Precedence Relation & Parsing of String
221 Lecture 14: Limitation of Operator Relation Table | Function Table and its Drawbacks
222 Lecture 8: Recursive Descent Parser
223 Lecture 5: Limitation of Left Recursion | Procedure to Convert a Left Recursive into Right Recursive
224 Lecture 6: Limitation of Non-Deterministic Grammar | Left Factoring Method and its Questions
225 Lecture 65: What is Open Addressing and Linear Probing | #datastructuresinhindi #hashinginhindi
226 Lecture 69: GATE PYQ's of Hashing | #hashinginhindi #datastructuresinhindi #gate2021 #gatelectures
227 Lecture 70: GATE PYQ's of Data Structures | #datastructuresinhindi #gatepyq #gate2021 #gatelectures
228 Lecture 66: Limitations of Linear Probing | GATE PYQ's of Linear Probing | #hashinginhindi #ds
229 Lecture 62: Need of Hashing | What is Direct Address Table | Limitations of Direct Address Table
230 Lecture 68: What is Double Hashing | How it Works & its Advantages | #hashinginhindi #doublehashing
231 Lecture 67: What is Quadratic Probing | How it Works | #hashinginhindi #quadraticprobinginhindi
232 Lecture 64: What is Chaining | How it Works | GATE PYQ's of Chaining
233 Lecture 63: Concept of Hashing | What is Hash Function & How it Works | Collision & How to Solve It
234 Lecture 50: Implementation of Height of Binary Tree | Find the Maximum Element in a Binary Tree
235 Lecture 49: Count the Number of Nodes in a Tree | Count the Leaf Nodes and Internal Nodes in a Tree
236 Lecture 45: Traversal of Tree - Preorder, Inorder and Postorder | Implementation of Traversal
237 Lecture 46: Variation in Standard Traversal Techniques | Special Traversal of Tree
238 Lecture 52: Implementation of Diameter of Binary Tree | Zig - Zag Traversal of Binary Tree
239 Lecture 34: Maximum Rectangular Area under Histogram | Common Interview Problem
240 Lecture 43: GATE PYQ's of Stack and Queue
241 Lecture 32: Design a Stack that supports getMin( ) in O(1) time | Interview Question
242 Lecture 51: Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree | Level Order Traversal in Reverse Order
243 Lecture 36: GATE PYQ's of Stack
244 Lecture 40: Reverse a Queue | Reverse a Queue in Group of Size K
245 Lecture 55: Limitation of Binary Search Tree | GATE PYQ's of Binary Tree and n-ary Tree
246 Lecture 58: Maximum and Minimum no of Nodes in AVL Tree of height h | GATE PYQ of Binary & AVL Tree
247 Lecture 56: Introduction to AVL Tree | What is Balancing Factor | Various Rotations in AVL Tree
248 Lecture 48: Construct a Binary Tree using Inorder, Preorder and Postorder
249 Lecture 41: Implementation of Queue using Two Stacks | GATE PYQ of Queue using Stack
250 Lecture 60: Representation of Tree - LCRS and Nested Representation | GATE PYQ's
251 Lecture 44: Introduction to Tree | Binary Tree - Classification, Representation & Various Operations
252 Lecture 30: Balance Parenthesis Problem | Reverse a String using Stack | Interview Problem
253 Lecture 31: How to Reverse a Stack | String of a's and b's Palindrome or Not | Interview Problem
254 Lecture 54: Deleting a Node from a Binary Search Tree | How to Delete a Node from BST
255 Lecture 59: Application of Tree | Expression Tree | V. Important
256 Lecture 35: The Celebrity Problem | Interview Problem | Puzzle | Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Flipkart
257 Lecture 47: Binary Trees Possible for given N nodes | Binary Trees Possible for given Traversal
258 Lecture 29: Tower of Hanoi | Important Application of Stack and Recursion | Interview Problem
259 Lecture 38: Implementation of Queue using Array and Linked List
260 Lecture 33: Stock Span Problem | Famous Interview Problem | Product Based Companies
261 Lecture 39: Advantage of Circular Queue | Introduction to Doubly Ended Queue and Priority Queue
262 Lecture 53: Introduction of Binary Search Tree (BST) | Insertion of Elements in a Binary Search Tree
263 Lecture 42: Stack using Queue | Job Opportunities through Infytq, HackWithInfy, TCS NQT & CodeVita
264 Lecture 37: Introduction to Queue | Types, Operations and Applications of Queue
265 Lecture 61: What is Binary Heap | Properties and Types of Binary Heap
266 Lecture 57: Insertion of Given Elements in AVL Tree | V. Imp for GATE, ISRO, BARC and Other Exams
267 Lecture 5: What is Data Structures | Algorithm Analysis | Arrays | Calculate Address in 1-D Array
268 Lecture 19: Middle of Linked List | Kth node from the End | Merge two Sorted Linked Lists
269 Lecture 12: GATE PYQs on Pointers, Function, Arrays and Pointer Arithmetic
270 Lecture 9: Introduction to Pointers | Importance and Need of Pointers | Working of Pointers
271 Lecture 7: Interview Questions of Array | Part 1
272 Lecture 27: Prefix to Infix & Postfix | Postfix to Infix & Prefix | Operator and Operand Stack
273 Lecture 8: Interview Questions of Array | Part 2
274 Lecture 17: Singly Linked List | Deletion of an Element | Complexity of Various Operations
275 Lecture 3: Introduction to Recursion | Importance of Base Case | Different Types of Recursion
276 Lecture 1: Introduction to Variables | Storage Class in C | Operator Precedence and Associativity
277 Lecture 25: Introduction to Stack | Implementation using Linked List & Array | Application of Stack
278 Lecture 18: Reverse a Linked List | Iterative and Recursive | Reverse in Group | Rotate Linked List
279 Lecture 26: Types of Expression Notations | Infix to Postfix & Infix to Prefix Algorithm
280 Lecture 14: Limitation of Static Memory Allocation | Need of Dynamic Memory Allocation
281 Lecture 4: GATE PYQ's of Storage Class, Function and Recursion
282 Lecture 28: Evaluation of Postfix Expression Algorithm and Solved Example
283 Lecture 23: Doubly Linked List | Inserting and Deleting a Node from Beginning & Specific Position
284 Lecture 13: Introduction and Need of Structures | Self Referential Structure and Applications
285 Lecture 24: GATE PYQ's of Linked List
286 Lecture 20: Detect and Remove Loop from Singly Linked List | Floyd's Cycle Algorithm
287 Lecture 11: Pointer and Arrays | Pointer Arithmetic
288 Lecture 16: Singly Linked List | Traversal and Insertion of an Element in Singly Linked List
289 Lecture 2: Introduction to Function | How Parameter Passed | Types of Function Based on Return Value
290 Lecture 22: Circular Linked List | Deleting a node from Front and End from a Circular Linked List
291 Lecture 21: Circular Linked List | Inserting a node in Front and End in the Circular Linked List
292 Lecture 6: Calculate Address in 2-D Array | GATE PYQ based on Address Calculation
293 Lecture 15: Introduction to Linked List | Limitations of Array | Operations and Types of Linked List
294 Lecture 10: Pointer and Function | Call by Value & Call by Reference | GATE PYQ
295 Cannon's Algorithm Part-2 Explained with Generalized Example in Hindi
296 Issues in Sorting On Parallel Computers ll Explained with Examples in Hindi
297 Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Parallel Implementation Explained With Solved Example in Hindi
298 Cost Optimal Way ll Effect Of Granularity on Performance of Parallel System Explained with Example
299 One Element per Process and Many Elements per Process Explained with Solved Examples in Hindi
300 Parallel Depth First Search ll Parallel Sorting Techniques ll Work Load Imbalance Explained in Hindi