A M K Technological Polytechnic College is best Technical college in Thiruvallur state Tamil Nadu India Approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). A M K Technological Polytechnic College in Tamil Nadu. A M K Technological Polytechnic College have job oriented subject.
Trade Summery

Institute Type:     Govt aided
Course:     Automobile Engineering [sf] ( Diploma )
Civil Engineering (sandwitch Pattern) ( Diploma )
Civil(sfs Mode) ( Diploma )
Electrical And Electronics Engineering ( Diploma )
Mechanical Engineering ( Diploma )
Mechanical Engineering(foundary)(sw) ( Diploma )
Mechanical Engineering(machine Tool Maintenance & Repairs)(sw) ( Diploma )
Website:     www.amkpolytechnic.com

Aicte Id
Approved by
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)
Management Category

Chennai-Bangalaru Highway



A M K Technological Polytechnic College is best among many established Engineering colleges, Management College, Pharmacy College, Polytechnic College in Thiruvallur, which give best education in Thiruvallur. All Institution are Approved by AICET. All courses are 100% Job oriented and best for Startup. All government college and private college are spreading best education quality in Thiruvallur. The college have best teachers and lab in Thiruvallur. Educational environment is Best in A M K Technological Polytechnic College.


Tamil Nadu

Bharathiyar Centenary Memorial Govt Women's Polytechnic College is best among many established Engineering colleges, Management College, Pharmacy College, Polytechnic College in Tamil Nadu, which give best education in Tamil Nadu. All Institution are Approved by AICET. All courses are 100% Job oriented and best for Startup. All government college and private college are spreading best education quality in Tamil Nadu. The college have best teachers and lab in Tamil Nadu. Educational environment is Best in Bharathiyar Centenary Memorial Govt Women's Polytechnic College.

Diploma Courses

Diploma Trade

Automation and Robotics [SF]

Pioneering the Future with a Diploma in Automation and Robotics [SF]

In the vibrant heart of innovation, San Francisco stands as a global hub for technology and cutting-edge advancements. Amidst the technological renaissance, the field of Automation and Robotics shines brightly, shaping the future of industries and redefining the way we interact with the world. This guide explores the thrilling realm of Automation and Robotics in San Francisco, shedding light on the significance it holds, the opportunities it presents, and how to embark on this transformative educational journey within the city by the bay.

Understanding Automation and Robotics in San Francisco

Automation and Robotics, in the context of San Francisco, encompass a rich tapestry of skills and knowledge that harness the power of artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, computer science, and electrical engineering. This amalgamation of disciplines drives the creation of intelligent machines and systems, propelling efficiency, precision, and innovation across a myriad of sectors within the city's dynamic ecosystem.

Advantages of a Diploma in Automation and Robotics [SF]

  1. Innovation Hub: San Francisco thrives as a center for technological innovation, offering you a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements that will influence global industries.

  2. Multifaceted Applications: Your skills in Automation and Robotics are versatile and applicable across a spectrum of industries, from Silicon Valley tech giants to startups, healthcare, finance, and beyond.

  3. Job Abundance: The demand for automation and robotics specialists in San Francisco is ever-growing, providing you with job security and an array of exciting career prospects.

  4. Lucrative Salaries: Automation and robotics professionals in San Francisco often enjoy competitive salaries due to their specialized expertise and the transformative impact they have on businesses.

  5. Problem-Solving Prowess: Your journey in this field will nurture your problem-solving abilities, fostering critical thinking and ingenuity that is highly sought after in the city's tech-driven environment.

Pursuing a Diploma in Automation and Robotics [SF]

Here's a comprehensive guide on how to commence your educational journey in Automation and Robotics within the captivating realm of San Francisco:

  1. Research and Select a Program: San Francisco boasts several esteemed educational institutions. Research diploma programs in Automation and Robotics offered by these institutions, considering factors like program depth, faculty expertise, and industry connections.

  2. Admission Process: Fulfill the admission criteria, which typically include a high school diploma or its equivalent, a well-crafted application, and sometimes an interview or standardized test scores.

  3. Curriculum: Once admitted, you'll embark on an enriching curriculum. The program will encompass core subjects such as robotics design, programming, control systems, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies, all tailored to meet the unique demands of the San Francisco tech scene.

  4. Hands-On Learning: Practical experience is paramount. You'll work on real-world projects, collaborate with tech companies, and have access to state-of-the-art laboratories, enabling you to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

  5. Internships and Co-Ops: Seek out internships or co-op opportunities with leading tech firms in San Francisco. These experiences not only provide invaluable hands-on experience but can also lead to future employment opportunities.

  6. Certifications: Consider pursuing relevant certifications to further enhance your credentials. Certifications from professional bodies like the Automation Federation can bolster your standing in the industry.

  7. Networking: Engage in the vibrant tech community of San Francisco. Attend tech meetups, industry events, and join professional organizations to forge connections and stay abreast of the latest technological trends.

  8. Capstone Projects: Most programs culminate in capstone projects, where you'll have the chance to showcase your skills and innovative thinking. These projects can serve as a powerful addition to your portfolio.


A diploma in Automation and Robotics in San Francisco empowers you to be an integral part of a city that's consistently at the forefront of global innovation. Your journey is not just an educational pursuit; it's an opportunity to play a pivotal role in the creation of the technologies that will shape the future of industries and society at large. Embrace this transformative journey and become a catalyst for change in the ever-evolving tech landscape of San Francisco.

Civil (SFS Mode)

Title: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Development: Diploma in Civil Engineering (SFS Mode)

In an age where urbanization and sustainable development are paramount, the field of Civil Engineering in the Self-Financing Scheme (SFS Mode) stands as a catalyst for shaping cities and communities in harmony with the environment. If you're passionate about building resilient infrastructure and sustainable urban spaces, pursuing a diploma in Civil Engineering through the Self-Financing Scheme (SFS Mode) can be your pathway to a rewarding and impactful career. This guide will take you through the compelling world of civil engineering under the SFS Mode, exploring what it encompasses, the advantages it offers, and how to embark on this educational journey.

Understanding Civil Engineering (SFS Mode)

Civil Engineering, under the Self-Financing Scheme (SFS Mode), is a specialized branch that focuses on the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of civil infrastructure. This includes roads, bridges, buildings, water supply systems, and environmental protection measures. Civil engineers in this mode are equipped not only to address urban challenges but also to do so in a financially sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.

Advantages of a Diploma in Civil Engineering (SFS Mode)

  1. Sustainability Focus: The SFS Mode places a strong emphasis on sustainable practices, enabling you to contribute to eco-friendly urban development.

  2. Innovation and Resilience: Civil engineers in SFS Mode are trained to employ innovative techniques and materials, making them well-equipped to tackle complex urban challenges.

  3. Job Opportunities: The demand for skilled civil engineers remains steady, with opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

  4. Financial Independence: The SFS Mode empowers students to take control of their finances, as they partially fund their education, instilling financial responsibility.

  5. Community Impact: Civil engineers under the SFS Mode are positioned to make a direct and positive impact on local communities by addressing their infrastructure needs.

Pursuing a Diploma in Civil Engineering (SFS Mode)

To embark on your educational journey in Civil Engineering under the Self-Financing Scheme (SFS Mode), follow these steps:

  1. Research Programs: Begin by researching diploma programs in Civil Engineering offered under the SFS Mode by reputable institutions or technical colleges. Ensure the program aligns with your sustainability and engineering goals.

  2. Admissions Process: Review the admission requirements, which may include a high school diploma or equivalent, application materials, and possibly an interview.

  3. Curriculum: Once enrolled, you'll dive into a curriculum that covers core civil engineering subjects, sustainable construction practices, environmental considerations, and financial management.

  4. Practical Learning: The SFS Mode often emphasizes practical learning. You'll have the opportunity to engage in projects and fieldwork that emphasize sustainability and financial efficiency.

  5. Financial Responsibility: Embrace the financial responsibility associated with the SFS Mode. It empowers you to partially fund your education while gaining valuable skills in budgeting and resource management.

  6. Internships and Industry Engagement: Seek internships, co-op programs, or engage with industry partners to gain practical experience and build a network within the civil engineering community.

  7. Certifications and Continuing Education: Consider pursuing certifications in sustainability or other relevant areas to enhance your expertise and marketability.

  8. Community Involvement: Get involved in projects that benefit your community. This can provide real-world experience and demonstrate your commitment to sustainable urban development.


A diploma in Civil Engineering under the Self-Financing Scheme (SFS Mode) empowers you to be a change-maker in the world of urban development, where sustainability and financial responsibility go hand in hand. It's a journey filled with opportunities to contribute to eco-friendly urban spaces, develop innovative solutions, and create a positive impact on communities. If you have a passion for civil engineering and a commitment to sustainable urban development, consider pursuing this diploma to embark on a fulfilling and influential career in the field of civil engineering.


College Type

Polytechnic College

After independence many schemes were started for the development of the country. In which the requirement of technicians was paramount, whose fulfillment was possible only through technical institutions. But at that time, there was acute shortage of technical institutions in the country. In such a situation, the establishment of some new technical institution was under the consideration of government. Keeping in view these requirements, the ultimate visionary,

The Polytechnic College has the best laboratories with free access to the students and prepares them with the latest method of learning industrial practices. The industry attachment Programme, compulsory for all courses provides the students an exposure for current industrial practices. The college is located in the same campus as the Industrial Institute.


Polytechnic College aspires to be recognized as one of the leaders in the development of technical education and application of the knowledge and skills for the benefit of the society.


Our Mission as an Institution is to:

  • Provide application oriented technical education, Foster skill Development
  • Evolve innovative applications of Technology
  • Encourage Career advancement and Entrepreneurship
  • Ultimately mould young men and women capable of disseminating the technical knowledge for the betterment of the Society.
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