Mon, 31/Jul/2023 - 01:31 pm By Anand
लैब चिरायु / थर्मोडायनामिक्स की साक्षात्कार लागत

1. A quantity of matter of fixed mass and identity which is bounded by a closed surface. 

2. An enclosure which permits thermal interaction. 

3. An enclosure which prevents thermal interaction.

4. A system in which all the measurable variables have the same value as they had inside an enclosure after a long time, irrespective of the interaction that may have taken place. 

5. A region of interest, that is involved in the analysis.

 6. Any change of state occurring in a system. 

7. A region in space or control volume or quantity of matter upon which attention is focussed for study. 

8. A change of state which occurs while the system is adiabatically enclosed. 

9. Any observable characteristic of the system. 

10. A type of reversible process, characterized by the fact that the system is at each instant arbitrarily close to equilibrium. 

11. A study of the transfer and conversion of energy. 

12. If a thermodynamic system undergoes an adiabatic process, the net amount of work performed by it depends only on its initial and final states, and not on the sequence of intermediate state or path. 

13. Depends solely upon the state of the system and not upon how that state was reached. 

14. A change in the state of a system which occurs without any work being done. 

15. It is impossible to construct a device which, working in a complete cycle, will produce no other effect than the transfer of a quantity of heat from a cooler to a hotter body. 

16. Two states of two systems characterized by an absence of heat flow even when there is no adiabatic wall between them.

17. The loci of points corresponding to states of the same temperature.

18. A system going through some process whose initial and final states are the same. 

19. A system which exchanges heat and work with its surroundings while operating in a cyclic process. 

20. A hypothetical machine whose operation would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

1. system 2. diathermic 3. adiabatic 4. equilibrium state 5. system 6. process 7. thermodynamic system 8. adiabatic process 9. property 10. quasistatic 11. thermodynamics 12. first law of thermodynamics 13. property 14. free motion 15. Clausius statement 16. thermal equilibrium 17. isotherms 18. cycle 19. thermodynamic machine 20. perpetual-motion machine