Fri, 05/Jan/2024 - 01:25 pm By Anand
जानिए क्यों 10:10 डिफॉल्ट टाइम इन क्लॉक है!

You might have noticed that the watches and clocks found in product photographs and advertisements usually show the time 10:10.Have you wondered the reason behind this.We will discuss the reason for this in this article.

These are some reasons why exactly this time is chosen.According to the New York Times, the main reason is quite simple and obvious: aesthetics. There are a number of visual advantages to having the hands set at the 10:10 positions.

1.)One is that the hands are kept from overlapping at this position. Having them on both sides of the watch face ensures that the hands themselves are visible and can be appreciated.
2.)When we look at a watch at 10:10, we consider as if the watch is smiling. It is lovely to have a smiling face, rather than having a crying face when the time is at 8:20. So the form of the hands has a positive effect on the view.

3.)The arrangement of the hands is symmetrical, which people generally find more pleasant than asymmetry, making the product more appealing to customers.
4.) The manufacturer's logo, usually is in the center of the face under the 12, is not only visible but nicely framed when the needles are positioned at 10:10.
5.) Additional elements on the face (like date windows or secondary dials), usually placed near the 3, 6, or 9, won't be obscured.

There are a number of urban legends regarding the 10:10 time floating around in the world. Many of them attribute it to a historic event (e.g. Lincoln/JFK assassinations, the dropping of the atomic bombs), but there isn’t any truth behind those explanations