B.N. College of Engineering & Technology is best Technical college in Lucknow state Uttar Pradesh India Approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). B.N. College of Engineering & Technology in Uttar Pradesh. B.N. College of Engineering & Technology have job oriented subject.
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All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)
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Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU)
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Management Category




B.N. College of Engineering & Technology is best among many established Engineering colleges, Management College, Pharmacy College, Polytechnic College in Lucknow, which give best education in Lucknow. All Institution are Approved by AICET. All courses are 100% Job oriented and best for Startup. All government college and private college are spreading best education quality in Lucknow. The college have best teachers and lab in Lucknow. Educational environment is Best.


Uttar Pradesh

Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology (MCA Institute) is best among many established Engineering colleges, Management College, Pharmacy College, Polytechnic College in Uttar Pradesh, which give best education in Uttar Pradesh. All Institution are Approved by AICET. All courses are 100% Job oriented and best for Startup. All government college and private college are spreading best education quality in Uttar Pradesh. The college have best teachers and lab in Uttar Pradesh. Educational environment is Best in Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology (MCA Institute).

Undergraduate courses


Bio Technology

Bio Technology

Biotechnology is a groundbreaking field that harnesses the power of living organisms, cells, and molecules to develop innovative products and solutions that span various industries. At the core of this scientific revolution lies Engineering in Biotechnology, where engineers play a crucial role in manipulating biological systems, optimizing processes, and translating scientific discoveries into real-world applications. In this article, we delve into the world of Biotechnology Engineering and explore how it is driving transformative advancements across diverse domains.

The Essence of Biotechnology Engineering:

Biotechnology Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, chemistry, genetics, and engineering to leverage living organisms' capabilities for the benefit of society. Engineers in this domain work at the interface of technology and biology, focusing on genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and molecular biology to design and develop innovative solutions.

Key Areas of Biotechnology Engineering:

Genetic Engineering: Genetic engineers manipulate the genetic material of organisms to introduce desirable traits, remove undesirable ones, and produce recombinant DNA molecules for various applications.

Synthetic Biology: Synthetic biologists design and construct new biological systems or modify existing ones to perform specific functions, often with applications in medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing: Biotechnology engineers optimize processes for the large-scale production of valuable bioproducts, such as enzymes, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels.

Agricultural Biotechnology: This field focuses on genetically engineering crops for improved yield, resistance to pests, and nutritional content.

Medical Biotechnology: Biotechnology engineering plays a significant role in developing therapeutic drugs, vaccines, gene therapies, and diagnostic tools for various diseases.

The Impact of Biotechnology Engineering:

Biotechnology Engineering has a far-reaching impact on diverse industries and aspects of human life:

Healthcare Advancements: The development of biopharmaceuticals, gene therapies, and personalized medicine has transformed medical treatments, offering hope for previously incurable diseases.

Agricultural Revolution: Genetically modified crops have increased agricultural productivity, reduced reliance on chemical pesticides, and improved food security.

Environmental Solutions: Biotechnology engineering contributes to environmental sustainability through bioremediation, biofuels, and waste management technologies.

Industrial Applications: Enzymes produced through biotechnology are utilized in various industrial processes, such as detergents, textiles, and bio-based materials.

Bioinformatics: The integration of biotechnology and data science in bioinformatics has enabled advanced genomics research and personalized medicine.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Biotechnology Engineering faces several challenges as it continues to advance:

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations: The ethical implications of genetic engineering and the responsible use of biotechnological advancements are subjects of ongoing debate.

Biosecurity and Safety: Ensuring the safe handling and containment of genetically modified organisms is critical to prevent unintended consequences.

Public Perception and Awareness: Promoting public understanding of biotechnological applications is essential to garner support and address misconceptions.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Biotechnology Engineering requires collaboration between biologists, engineers, and data scientists to tackle complex challenges effectively.


Biotechnology Engineering is a trailblazing field that exemplifies the fusion of science and engineering to unlock the full potential of biological systems. With a profound impact on healthcare, agriculture, and the environment, Biotechnology Engineering is spearheading transformative advancements that were once confined to the realm of science fiction. As ethical and regulatory considerations are addressed, and interdisciplinary collaboration expands, Biotechnology Engineering is poised to drive innovations that shape the future of human health, agriculture, and sustainable living. With the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the boundless possibilities of biology and technology, Biotechnology Engineering stands at the forefront of the biological revolution, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.


Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is a foundational discipline that shapes the physical infrastructure and environments in which we live, work, and play. From towering skyscrapers to intricate bridges and efficient transportation systems, civil engineers play a pivotal role in designing, constructing, and maintaining the built environment. This branch of engineering encompasses a wide range of projects, including buildings, roads, dams, water supply systems, and environmental protection. In this article, we explore the world of Civil Engineering and how engineers in this field are building the foundations of modern society.

The Essence of Civil Engineering:

Civil Engineering is about translating creative visions into reality, taking into account safety, functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. It involves the application of mathematics, physics, materials science, and geotechnical engineering to design and construct structures that withstand the forces of nature and serve the needs of communities. Civil engineers work on projects of varying scales, from small residential buildings to large-scale infrastructure developments.

Key Areas of Civil Engineering:

Structural Engineering: Civil engineers in this area design and analyze the structural components of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure to ensure their stability and safety.

Transportation Engineering: Engineers focus on planning, designing, and managing transportation systems, including roads, railways, airports, and urban transit.

Geotechnical Engineering: This area involves studying the properties of soil and rocks to design foundations and earth structures that can withstand loads and prevent natural disasters.

Environmental Engineering: Engineers address environmental challenges, such as water supply, wastewater treatment, and sustainable development.

Construction Management: Civil engineers are involved in the management and supervision of construction projects to ensure timely and cost-effective completion.

The Impact of Civil Engineering:

Civil Engineering has a profound impact on the well-being and development of society:

Infrastructure Development: Engineers create and maintain the physical infrastructure that supports economic growth and human activities.

Transportation Connectivity: Efficient transportation systems connect people and goods, fostering social interaction and economic exchanges.

Environmental Conservation: Civil engineers implement projects that protect natural resources and preserve the environment.

Disaster Mitigation: Through geotechnical engineering and structural design, engineers work to reduce the impact of natural disasters on communities.

Quality of Life Improvement: Civil Engineering enhances the quality of life by providing safe and functional spaces for living, working, and recreation.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Civil Engineering faces several challenges and opportunities as we look to the future:

Sustainability: Engineers are increasingly incorporating sustainable practices and materials to minimize the environmental impact of infrastructure projects.

Smart Cities and Technology: The integration of technology and data analytics is transforming urban planning and infrastructure management.

Climate Change Adaptation: Civil engineers are addressing the challenges posed by climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

Aging Infrastructure: The maintenance and upgrading of existing infrastructure are critical to ensure safety and functionality.


Civil Engineering is a foundational discipline that shapes the world around us. From designing iconic structures that define city skylines to developing efficient transportation networks that connect communities, civil engineers play an indispensable role in modern society. Their expertise in structural analysis, materials science, and sustainable practices ensures the creation of safe, functional, and environmentally responsible infrastructure. As we continue to face new challenges and opportunities, civil engineers will remain at the forefront of designing and building the foundations of a better, more connected, and sustainable future. With their commitment to innovation, safety, and the well-being of communities, civil engineers continue to be the driving force behind the progress and development of our world.


Post Graduate courses



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Engineering College

Education is one area where quality should not be compromised at any cost. As soon as someone finishes his/her high schooling, everyone in the family start the process of searching for the right course and right institution to join for the college studies. Engineering is the most sought after field due to the huge employment opportunities and the passion of individuals. Here is a list of some of the most determining engineering courses to join after finishing the high school.

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  • Quality of Entire Educational Experience for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
  • Student Support for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
  • Teaching Quality for Postgraduate Engineering Programs
  • Skills Development for Postgraduate Engineering Programs

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We deliver professional certificates of competency, diplomas and advanced diplomas, undergraduate and graduate certificates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and a doctor of engineering. These program types have been designed to suit the needs of engineers and aspiring engineers from varied backgrounds.

The Engineering Institute of Technology

The Engineering Institute of Technology is one of the only institutes in the world specializing in engineering. We deliver industry focused short courses, diplomas, undergraduate certificates, bachelor’s degrees, graduate certificates, master’s degrees, and a doctor of engineering to students from over 140 countries.  EIT’s vocational programs and higher education degrees are registered and accredited by the India Government. Our on-campus and online programs are delivered via a unique methodology that makes use of industry-based expert lecturers and state-of-the-art online technologies such as hands-on remote and virtual labs, simulation software and live stream web and video conferencing.

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