Tue, 28/May/2024 - 02:49 pm By Anand
OTARI: Workout mat offers fitness classes with live AI pose feedback

There is no debating the numerous benefits of studio workout sessions. However, a lot of people find them less enjoyable and more challenging to follow because they do not replicate the energy of traditional gyms or one-on-one sessions. Otari is a workout mat that hopes to bridge this gap. Asides bringing your instructor closer to you than ever before, this home fitness studio can monitor your movements and let you know how well you’re exercising.

Design and features

On casual observation, Otari looks a lot like a fancy yoga mat attached to a wide screen. However, the device’s functionality is much more than meets the eye. Otari’s artificial intelligence and personalized instructor feedback features ensure it’s capable of serving as both the studio and the instructor.

Perhaps the best thing about Otari is that it gives users real-time feedback about their posture and body movement while exercising. The device can count your reps, correct your form or posture, and encourage you to set and achieve lofty fitness goals.

AI-based coaching

A lot of people that exercise at home do not do it the right way. Unfortunately, there is no instructor around to let them know what to improve on and how to go about it. With its intelligent form analysis technology, Otari can compare your movements with the instructor’s and alert you when you’re coming up short. Asides correcting your poses, the device can also:

  • Tell you when to intensify movements or adjust for comfort
  • Help you keep pace
  • Count reps
  • Let you set and celebrate milestones

The ultimate portable workout studio

Otari takes pride in being the world’s most interactive and foremost workout mat. It houses virtually everything you’d want in a workout studio. Unlike traditional studios, Otari can fit right in your closet. The device features an ultra-wide HD screen that plays workout videos in high resolution, leaving you with nothing to do but follow the videos. Users can work out with a rapidly growing community of fitness enthusiasts, embark on challenges together, and check out the overall winner via the leaderboard.

Smart camera

Otari features a smart camera arm that’s uniquely offset at an ideal angle to capture and assess the user’s form. The HD, wide-angle lens is magnetically attached to the screen, and it can be adjusted on the left or right side. With the camera, it becomes a lot easier to know how well you’re progressing and if you need to put in more work. The manufacturers assure that user data would never leave the privacy of the device.

Live streaming workout sessions

With Otari, you can tune in to live classes organized by engaging instructors who inspire directly from the studio. The instructors can provide on-screen or audio feedback in addition to the AI-based assessments offered by the device.

Pricing info

Otari is currently at the crowdfunding stage. The Indiegogo campaign has enjoyed tremendous backing thus far, generating more than 360% of its target with 25 days left. You may visit the official campaign page to check out available pledges and rewards.