Tue, 21/May/2024 - 01:37 pm By Anand
एलोन मस्क: द साइंटिस्ट बिहाइंड द सीईओ (और हाउ हि टीच हियरसेल्फ) डॉक्यूमेंट्री

This mini documentary takes a look at how Elon Musk sees the world through a scientific and engineering mind - and how this fuels the businesses he has started. We will also take a look at how he taught himself about different industries: from banking (Paypal), to rocket engineering (SpaceX). 

Elon Musk champions the use of physics as a way of thinking. And believes that more people should be innovating in manufacturing - to help build the city of the future. Rather than entering the finance, law, or internet based industries. This video also takes a look at the 'reasoning from first principles' framework - which will allow anyone to view their world, personal and business, just like Elon.